今早起來,發現一短訊,於昨夜零晨 2:18 分發出,陌生人的電話號碼,內容是:
於這段媽媽回鄉探親期間,獨個在家的我,第一個念頭是:「媽媽嗎? 已爬回家? 不是嘛...」
連忙起床出廳,看見一把掃把。喔 ! 母親真的回來了嗎 ? 又出去了嗎 ? 但門由內鎖上,她沒可能進來的,而且她不是明天才回來嗎 ?
「她為何發短訊 ? 連用手提也有困難,她怎懂得發短訊 ? 表哥幫她的嗎 ?」
再看看手機內短訊 ....
「爬回家? 為什麼用爬? 什麼才會用爬的? ....」
Oh come on... 最近十月 now 滿是奇情幻海驚慄恐怖電影,而我... 更看了不少....
放學返家,沒見媽媽。禁不住回了短訊 ...
「你如何午夜爬回家 ? 你又是誰 ?」
於這段媽媽回鄉探親期間,獨個在家的我,第一個念頭是:「媽媽嗎? 已爬回家? 不是嘛...」
連忙起床出廳,看見一把掃把。喔 ! 母親真的回來了嗎 ? 又出去了嗎 ? 但門由內鎖上,她沒可能進來的,而且她不是明天才回來嗎 ?
「她為何發短訊 ? 連用手提也有困難,她怎懂得發短訊 ? 表哥幫她的嗎 ?」
再看看手機內短訊 ....
「爬回家? 為什麼用爬? 什麼才會用爬的? ....」
Oh come on... 最近十月 now 滿是奇情幻海驚慄恐怖電影,而我... 更看了不少....
放學返家,沒見媽媽。禁不住回了短訊 ...
「你如何午夜爬回家 ? 你又是誰 ?」
12 Disciples
- Simon: called Peter (Grk. petros, petra; Aram. kēf; Engl. rock) by Jesus, also known as Simon bar Jonah and Simon bar Jochanan (Aram.) and earlier (Pauline Epistles were written first) Cephas (Aram.) by Paul of Tarsus and Simon Peter, a fisherman from Bethsaida "of Galilee" (John 1:44; cf. 12:21)
- Andrew: brother of Peter, a Bethsaida fisherman and disciple of John the Baptist, and also the First-Called Apostle
- James and
- John: sons of Zebedee, called by Jesus Boanerges (an Aramaic name explained in Mk 3:17 as "Sons of Thunder")
- Philip: from Bethsaida "of Galilee" (John 1:44, 12:21)
- Bartholomew: in Aramaic "bar-Talemai?", "son of Talemai" or from Ptolemais, sometimes identified with the Nathanael of John 1:45-1:51.
- Thomas: also known as Judas Thomas Didymus - Aramaic T'oma' = twin, and Greek Didymous = twin
- James, son of Alphaeus: commonly identified with James the Less. Sometimes also identified with James the Just[2]
- Matthew: the tax collector, some identify with Levi son of Alphaeus
- Simon the Canaanite: called in Luke and Acts "Simon the Zealot", some identify with Simeon of Jerusalem, which others dispute on the grounds that Simeon was described at the time of Jesus' birth some thirty years before, as an old man not far from death. [3]
- Judas Iscariot: the name Iscariot may refer to the Judaean towns of Kerioth or to the sicarii (Jewish nationalist insurrectionists), or to Issachar. Also referred to (e.g. at John 6:71 and 13:26) as "Judas, the son of Simon". He was replaced as an apostle in Acts by Matthias.
- The identity of the other apostle of the twelve, traditionally called St. Jude, varies between the Synoptic Gospels and also between ancient manuscripts of each gospel: Mark names him as Thaddaeus; Different manuscripts of Matthew identify him as either Thaddeus or Lebbaeus (some later Latin manuscripts name him "Judas the Zealot", but this is regarded as an unlikely reading); Luke names him as Judas, son of James (translated in the KJV as: "Judas the brother of James" Luke 6:16).
不知因否作者是醫師,良久接受 Disease model 的訓練,慣常需要找出問題所在 (Problem-focused or oriented),練就成一位稱職的 problem-solver ,傾於「問題-解決方法」的模式。他在 27 章 《覺得浪費時,就寫下浪費在那裡》提到 「覺得浪費時間的情況並不僅限於開會,有時候明明心裡覺得跟這種人說也沒用,卻仍迫不得已要跟某人見面,這時候可以仔細觀察對方,把時間用來找出他的問題所在。」非常認同作者所說「只要用心去找,一定能找出問題。就算你是待在同一機構中,只要稍微改變一下觀察的角度,也能找到需要改進的地方,這樣的練習可以幫助你養成批判的能力。」批判的能力於事固然有利,但若加於人便有保留了。再換個角度看,用心找出別人的長處,養成欣賞的能力,不是比批判更難、但更值得嗎 ? 願共勉之。
記得友人提過,訓練 Sales 其一之法: 「在 30 秒內找出面前陌生人的優點。」哈! 有意思 !
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