
When Nietzsche wept

A novel of obsession written by Irvin D. Yalom

  1. "Marriage and its entourage of possession and jealousy enslave the spirit." (sounds familiar? heee... maybe Dr. Ng is great fan of Yalom)
  2. "to find dawns and golden possibilities on the horizons of my whole future life. To love a rich, bold soul: everyone needs that."
  3. "the real pain of old age, bereavement, outliving one's friends, was the absence of scrutiny - the horror of living an unobserved life."
  4. "for a psychologist, personal suffering is a blessing - the training ground for facing the suffering of existence."
  5. "one does not, strictly speaking, choose or select a disease; but one does choose stress - and it is stress that chooses the disease."
  6. "if human belief and behavior are to be understood, one must first sweep away convention, mythology, and religion. Only then, with no preconceptions whatsoever, should one presume to examine the human subject."
  7. "what matters is what you will tell yourself, and what I will tell myself."
  8. "All seeing is relative, and so is all knowing. We invent what we experience. And what we have invented, we can destroy."
  9. "We must look to meaning. The symptom is but a messenger carrying the news that Angst is erupting from the innermost realm!"



《銀河便車指南》: 瘋狂、看似有深度的諷刺無處不在,想像到文化及語言差異使閱讀樂趣減少起碼一半;縱然,這也是本輕鬆有趣的讀物。結局來得突然,意猶未盡的我掩卷不捨,恨不得立刻動筆,搭下一轉便車,前往參宿五 ...
(P.S.: 與《2001:太空漫遊》相比甚不公,但更喜這指南,可能因我也滿瘋的。)

《盲目》: 既與卡繆的《瘟疫》並譽,又怎可錯過。可惜譬喻比《瘟疫》來得表面及勉強,中心思想與故事內容出現斷層。書中人性是平面和 ... 怎麼說呢 ... 是設定的 (Defaulted),欠缺現實的彈性和多發性,觸不到便連不上,就是這樣! 結局輕率敷衍,由主角說出主題作結,唐突之餘欠缺自信,更有點夠鐘收工感覺。暗鬱掩蓋全書,一絲亮光從醫生 (主角?) 的太太帶領盲目 ... 她睿智沈著,跟隨感染眼盲的丈夫搬進隔離中心(想起 SARS 時 ...),全城被眼盲蔓延後、獨她幸免。眾人皆盲我獨見,她經歷缺糧、缺水、病患、出買、強暴、互相殘殺及各種"視覺"缺德,唯對丈夫不離不棄、無怨無悔(當然、她也曾想過盲掉)…

我想,若我是她 ... ?